Node JS implementation for retrieving data from nested complex JSON

Peter Chang
3 min readDec 13, 2023


Working with nested JSON structures can be challenging, especially when you need to extract specific values buried deep within the object.

Node JS implementation for retrieving data from nested JSON

Dealing with large JSON files that contain more than 200 lines and have deep nesting levels(like 20 levels) can be challenging and time-consuming. It can become overwhelming to parse and extract the desired information from such files.

Installing the cobj Package

To get started, we need to install the cobj(accessing object) package using npm. Open your terminal and run the following command:

npm install cobj

This command will download and install the cobj package, enabling us to leverage its capabilities for retrieving data from nested JSON structures.

Using the cobj Package

The cobj package provides a utility function called cjob that simplifies the process of accessing values within complex JSON structures. Let's dive into how we can use this function effectively.

  1. Import the cjob function into your Node.js script:
const cjob = require('cobj').cjob;
  1. Create a JSON object or retrieve one from an external source:
const jsonObject = {
user: {
name: 'John Doe',
age: 30,
address: {
city: 'New York',
country: 'USA'
  1. Call the cjob function with the JSON object and the desired path to extract the value:
const name = cjob(jsonObject, '');
console.log(name); // Output: John Doe

const city = cjob(jsonObject, '');
console.log(city); // Output: New York

In the above code, we use the cjob function to extract the values of the name and city properties from the nested JSON object. By providing the JSON object and the desired path, the cjob function retrieves the corresponding values effortlessly.

Key Features of the cobj Package

The cobj package offers several convenient features for working with nested JSON structures:

  • Dot Notation: The package supports dot notation for navigating through nested objects and arrays. This allows for easy traversal and extraction of values.
  • Array Indexing: You can use array indices in the path to access specific elements within arrays. For example, user.friends.0 would retrieve the first element of the friends array.
  • Flexible Return Types: The cjob function returns the extracted value, supporting various data types such as strings, numbers, booleans, objects, and arrays.
  • Error Handling: The cjob function handles potential errors gracefully. If the provided path is invalid or the value does not exist, it returns null.

By leveraging these features, the cobj package simplifies the process of retrieving data from nested JSON structures, reducing the complexity and improving development efficiency.


In this blog post, we explored how to use the cobj package to retrieve data from nested JSON structures in Node.js. We discussed the installation process, demonstrated the usage of the cjob function, and highlighted the key features of the package. By leveraging the capabilities of cobj, developers can easily extract specific values from complex JSON objects, making their code more concise and maintainable.

The cobj package is a valuable tool for any Node.js developer working with nested JSON structures. Give it a try in your next project, and experience the simplicity and efficiency it brings to data extraction from complex JSON objects.


