[Python3] Beginner must know, venv

Peter Chang
1 min readJun 21, 2019


Virtualenv python

This article is for python3 environment, go read this article for python2+

1- Init project

$ python3 -m venv projectName

3- To begin using the virtual environment, it needs to be activated

$ source projectName/bin/activate

4- Install packages as usual

$ pip install requests

Dependency management

requirements.txt is alike package.json in Node.js to me (hope I am right)

$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
// pip install -r requirements.txt


5- Run the script

$ python main.py

6- Deactivate

$ deactivate

7- Installing Dependency

This is useful when we clone a project online (from github.com) without downloading dependency, but installing them all on your local machine.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt




Peter Chang
Peter Chang

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